Highly accurate, flexible, robust and scalable multicamera system for spacecraft autonomous attitude determination through low cost cameras
ARGO 1.0 is a novel star tracker architecture specifically designed to maximize performance and reliability of multicamera configuration, targeting the needs of the emerging small satellites market, especially in term of cost-competitiveness.
- Fully autonomous (no need of other sensors - f.i. gyros, sun sensor...)
- Flexible configuration according to customer needs, from 1 camera (monocamera) up to 5 cameras (multicamera)
- RPCU/RPDU available for multicamera version
- Flexible camera accommodation in the platform
- High accuracy also in monocamera version
- Real-time data fusion of raw data measurements of all cameras (multicamera)
- In-flight camera model calibration
- In-flight relative camera attitude calibration (multicamera)
- Smart data processing to filter platform jitter
- Output @ 10 Hz: attitude (quaternion), angular speed, angular acceleration